Groundbreaking Scientific Discovery

Revolutionizing the potency, bioavailability & delivery of natural products, announcement of groundbreaking scientific discovery.

Science Team using technology, widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, successfully demonstrated a proprietary 10xPURETM nanoemulsion technology that renders previously insoluble xanthones soluble and more potent, when formulated, than any other mangosteen supplement ever brought to market.

“This discovery radically alters our understanding of the extraordinary potency and delivery of nutrients, previously thought insoluble, now available for body ready bioavailability and absorption,”

Read the Press Release HERE

From the moment you TWIST & MYSTTM XanthoMystTM into your mouth, you’ll LOVE the way the tiny Nanoemulsion droplets are absorbed through the soft tissue of your mouth and into your body so fast there’s very little to swallow.

“XanthoMystTM is just the beginning. Just imagine the possibilities of knowing you are getting more of what you paid for to help you live your healthiest life.”

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